13 Фев 2012, 10:33

Урок №14. What is Relationship Marketing?

MMR совместно с Business Spotlight Ukraine представляет четырнадцатый урок в рамках новой рубрики «A Lesson for a Marketing Person». Some of the newest buzz words around the internet are relationship marketing and attraction marketing.

Урок №14. What is Relationship Marketing?

MMR совместно с Business Spotlight Ukraine представляет четырнадцатый урок в рамках новой рубрики «A Lesson for a Marketing Person».


by  Patti  Stafford 


Some of the newest buzz words around the internet are relationship marketing and attraction marketing.


What is relationship marketing and how does it work? In the simplest terms it just means that you put people first; before the money, before the traffic stats, before the fancy website. People don’t care how elaborate your website is or how many products you offer. People are your business, not your website or your products. Your website and products are merely a way to help people solve their problems. You can have a dozen great products but without people you don’t have a business. Google bots aren’t buying your products, people are. Cater to the people and you have a winning strategy that will grow your business.


One key point to remember and the reason for relationship marketing is that people buy from people they like and trust. If you aren’t taking care of people and getting them to like you, they will never buy your product or a product you recommend. It’s that simple. You may get a few initial sales but if you don’t get up close and personal with your audience they won’t spread the word about you, sales and traffic will drop off and your business will die.


Money is great, but forget the money and take care of the people. Don’t let the money be your driving force. Your audience will appreciate it, return for more and tell others about you. The money always follows the people, cater to the people and solve their problems. This is the very basis of relationship marketing.


How can you develop a closer relationship with your audience? By sharing a little bit of yourself on a personal level, but never go overboard with it. Ninety percent of your material should be about solving other people’s problems. You can relate your personal story to the problem, but keep it very basic.


Twitter and Facebook are great places to share more of your personal life. People get tired of following someone who is all business all the time, so be a little more personable on social networks. Let your readers know you have a family, share things you do on the weekends, tell them about your pets or places you go. Find a happy balance between work and play on social networks and you’ll get a bigger following than you thought possible.



buzz wordsумное/модное словечко, которое у всех на слуху

relationship marketing — маркетинг отношений

attraction marketing — маркетитнг привлечения

fancy [‘fænsi] -фантастический, изысканный

elaborate [ilæb(ə)rət] — продуманный

bot программа, автоматически выполняющая какие-либо действия через те же интерфейсы, что и обычный пользователь

to cater to smb [‘keɪtə] — угождать кому-либо

to drop offуменшаться, ухудшаться

to go overboard заходить слишком далеко, позволять себе лишнее



Stats [‘stats] сокр. от statistics — статистика. Обратите внимание, что это слово в английском употребляется, как правило, во множественом числе, соответственно и согласуется с глаголом: This resource will be updated regularly as new statistics are released.



Если есть желание и возможность, то можно подписаться на близкую к вашей цели изучения английского рассылку, например, подписавшись , вы раз в день будете получать письмо с пояснениями того или иного экономического термина. Почту вы же каждый день проверяете, значит, сможете потратить пару секунд на ознакомление с новым словом



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