23 Янв 2012, 10:21

Урок №11. Colour Theory in Marketing

MMR совместно с Business Spotlight Ukraine представляет одиннадцатый урок в рамках новой рубрики «A Lesson for a Marketing Person». You develop your brand through the use of brand identity - the logos, colours, and design that conveys your business' prom

Урок №11. Colour Theory in Marketing

MMR совместно с Business Spotlight Ukraine представляет одиннадцатый урок в рамках новой рубрики «A Lesson for a Marketing Person».


By Roy McClean, Principal, The Custom Fit Communications Group


You develop your brand through the use of brand identity — the logos, colours, and design that conveys your business’ promise. When developing your brand identity through printed material, advertising, or Web sites you should understand the role of colour psychology in selling process. There are many simple rules in choosing the right colour combinations. Colour has its own psychological meaning and a certain influence on our psyche. Here is a review of colour theory literature highlighting the impact of some colours.


RED stimulates to action, represents aggressiveness, and excitement. Red makes an excellent accent colour, particularly when used with neutral colours, but may clash with green, blue and purple. Temper red with other warm tones like oranges, browns, and yellows, and you could easily make your design stand up and shout at the world.


BLUE, dark-blue represents sensitivity of feeling conveying peace and tranquility, harmony, trust and confidence.


WHITE backgrounds give impression of professionalism. White is the colour of cleanliness and purity, youth, simplicity and innocence.


BEIGE is a neutral colour which suggests practicality and conservatism, and alone, it can be tiresome and plain. But as a background colour with graphics which are earthy, like browns and greens, or blue and pink palettes this colour provides good readability.


BLACK is generally considered a mournful, heavy and depressing colour, but in the right context, can be sophisticated and mysterious. Black is the preferred backdrop for an artist’s work and photography. In addition, applications which are technical in nature, or have an underground feel, work well in black.


GREEN represents firmness and serenity. Green is a colour to be used with care, because it generates a strong feeling of either positively or negativity in most people. For some, it is a kind, generous colour, which represents loyalty and intelligence. It is often a logical choice for financial sites, and represents fertility, healing and ecology in many cultures. But keep in mind that for many people, it conjures up imagery of envy, reptiles and insects, and bodily functions!


Different colours combinations and the manner in which they are used also have an impact on consumer behaviour. In on-line business, red, blue and brown and shades have found to be the safest colours for use on the Internet. In business, colour makes the first impressions so be aware and use colour to your advantage!



to convey [kən’veɪ] — передавать, сообщать

psyche [‘saɪkɪ] — психика

to clash [klæʃ] — не сочетаться, находиться в дисгармонии

temper red — яркий/сочный красный

tranquility [træŋ’kwɪlətɪ] — спокойствие, равновесие

tiresome [‘taɪəsəm]скучный

plain [pleɪn] — простенький

readability [ˌriːdə’bɪlətɪ]читабельность

mournful [‘mɔːnf(ə)l] — угрюмый, печальный

sophisticated — [sə’fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] — утонченный, изысканный, говорящий о сложном устройстве

mysterious — [mɪ’stɪərɪəs] — загадочный

backdrop — задний план, фон

firmness [‘fɜːmnəs] устойчивость

serenity [sɪ’renɪtɪ] прозрачность, спокойствие

fertility [fɜː’tɪlətɪ] — изобилие, плодородие

healing [‘hiːlɪŋ] — целительный, благотворный

to conjure up [‘kʌnʤə ʌp] — вызывать

imagery [‘ɪmɪʤ(ə)rɪ] — мысленные образы

envy [‘envɪ] — зависть

reptile [‘reptaɪl] — рептилия, пресмыкающееся

insect — насекомое

bodily functions — физиологические процессы (дефекация, мочеиспускание)



When developing — пример употребления причастного оборота (Present Participle Active) в функции обстоятельства времени. Предлог when в таком придаточном может заменяться на while.



Fathers are happier when/while doing more housework, says study. Согласно исследованию, отцы чувствуют себя счастливее, когда много делают по дому/делая много по дому.



Время от времени смотрите фильмы и мультфильмы на английском. Если сложно — включите субтитры на английском. Через время посмотрите еще раз без субтитров.



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