MMR и XpertNet (Нидерланды) объявляет бесплатную digital-витаминизацию
13 Фев 2017, 15:33

MMR и XpertNet (Нидерланды) объявляет бесплатную digital-витаминизацию

4 вебинара, 3 эксперта, 26 цифровых инсайтов за 4 недели марта

2 февраля 2017 года в рамках Наверняка DGTL марафона MMR объявил о старте сотрудничества с европейскими образовательными организациями Beeckestijn и XpertNet (Нидерланды). В рамках партнерства каждый, кто заинтересован в цифровом усилении, абсолютно бесплатно получит интенсив-обучение в формате вебинаров с участием ведущих специалистов Европы.

Марина Корчака
Экс-главный редактор MMR

Можно податься либо на все 4 вебинара, либо только на более всего вас интересующие. 


Когда: 6 марта 2017 года 

Кто: Патрик Петерсен, стратег в агентстве интернет-маркетинга, автор журнала Adformatie о рекламе, маркетинге и СМИ. Контент-маркетолог, seo-специалист, преподаватель Beeckestijn-London School Business 

Тема вебинара: Masterclass Social


Social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube are an indispensable part of our daily lives. But social media changes more and more for marketing professionals in «social business» that really needs to add value to customers and companies. In this masterclass you will acquire insight in how the use of social adds value in the value chain of your organization with as objective realizing your business or marketing objective(s). 


  • Trends and developments in social media marketing 
  • Context of social media & social business 
  • Social media channels 
  • Social media advertising 
  • Community management 
  • Social Media cases 

Смотрите запись вебинара Патрика Петерсона на нашем YouTube-канале:

Когда: 13 марта 2017 года 

Кто: Эгберт Ян ван Бел, известный в Европе специалист по digital-маркетингу, член жюри международного Webby Awards («Интернет-Оскара»). Он представил dBase в Европе в 1980-х, создал собственный бизнес, был управляющим директором в KetchumPleon в странах Бенилюкса. Его книга Follow that Customer стала бестселлером в Бельгии и Нидерландах, а Event Driven Marketing получила премию Marketing Literature Award за лучшую работу по маркетингу. Сейчас ван Бел работает над новой книгой — 3D, о методах дополненной реальности, таких как Layar. 

Тема вебинара: Trends, Strategy and Business Models 


The influence of digitization is great for all organizations. The changes are fast and new technologies not only provide new challenges but also opportunities. During this module you will be included in the main trends that digital brings. We pay attention not only to new technologies but also to the people behind it with changing behaviour. As a marketer you can only innovate when you understand why people use technological developments such as social media, big data, VR, AI, robots, internet of things etc. Many business models are under pressure and organizations search for other business models. But why must companies innovate their business model? And how do you know if your business model is still future-proof? 


  • The most important trends and developments in the field of ‘digital‘ and impact on customer behaviour 
  • Opportunities and challenges for organizations 
  • Importance of Omni channel retail 
  • Digital as driver for customer centricity 
  • New business models, canvassing models and revenue streams 
  • Case studies 
  • Practice: 

    • Workshop: Impact digitization on your organisation (trends, developments, threats and chances) and her business model(s)? 
    • Is your current business model still future-proof? 


    Когда: 20 марта 2017 года 

    Кто: Патрик Петерсен, стратег в агентстве интернет-маркетинга, автор журнала Adformatie о рекламе, маркетинге и СМИ. Контент-маркетолог, seo-специалист, преподаватель Beeckestijn-London School Business 

    Тема вебинара: Digital Leadership


    The changes are going very fast and organizations struggle in responding to those changes. To meet the challenges, organizations have to transform. And for this they require strong leaders with leadership qualities to lead an organization in this change. The online world has become of great influence on our life and work. Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and robotics change organizations and our roles in it, while an increasing number of tasks are taken over by the technology. What does this mean for the leaders and managers within an organization and their roles and tasks? How do you empower teams and individual employees within an organization and put them in their strength and why is this so important? How do you take an organization in this change and make sure this change is successful? What pitfalls are there and what can you do to prevent those? During this module you look also to your own organization and the control of it. Is the organization optimally equipped for the digital challenges she faces? 


    • Building a business case for digital transformation 
    • Change management 
    • Leadership role in the digital age 
    • Empowering teams and individuals 
    • Cultivating a digital mind-set 
    • Capabilities to be successful in the digital economy 


    • Workshop: Is your organisation optimally equipped for the digital challenges she faces? Which leadership style and organisation is needed in the future? (or other assignment based on pre-assessment or consultation) 

    Когда: 27 марта 2017 года 

    Кто: Брем Алкема, специалист в области бизнес-моделирования на стороне клиента 

    Тема вебинара: The digital journey and agile Business Management


    Customer experience has been a top priority for marketers over the last years, with the average consumer becoming increasingly digitally-savvy and expecting more and more from brands online. This has led to roles and teams being developed, devoted to managing and optimizing the (online) customer experience. But what do customers expect? Is there difference between online and offline channels? If that is clear and you have determined how the experience should look like, then the question arises how to achieve your goals. How can you deliver an excellent experience on the different touchpoints. This module describes the various digital channels and how you can deploy those channels to improve the customer experience. 


    • Customer journey and customer experience management 
    • Multichannel management 
    • Online customer experience 
    • Touchpoints 
    • The role of branding in touchpoint design 
    • Usability and user experience 
    • Digital channels: social media, communities, mobile, search, content, website 
    • Importance of analytics 


    • Workshop: Improving the digital customer journey (or other assignment based on pre-assessment or consultation your organisation) 

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