11 Мар 2014, 10:16

Урок №115. How Get More Love For Your Blog, Part 3 — Engaging of Influencers

В третьей части речь пойдет о привлечении лидеров мнений.

Урок №115. How Get More Love For Your Blog, Part 3 — Engaging of Influencers

В этой серии уроков мы приводим рекомендации Хайди Коэн, консультанта по маркетингу, президента компании Riverside Marketing Strategie, следуя которым вы сможете сделать свой блог успешным. В третьей части речь пойдет о привлечении лидеров мнений.

  1. Mention bloggers and influencers in your blog posts. Influencers like to get flattered.

  2. Link to other blogs in your blog posts. Offer some link love to your favorite blogs and posts.

  3. Email people to let them know that you»ve mentioned them. Once you’ve mentioned people, let them know.

  4. Interview thought leaders. Email people of interest to your audience and gather their thoughts.

  5. Create a round up post.  Collect people’s input on a specific topic. The Best Content Marketing Advice Ever is a great and useful example.

  6. Write guest blog posts. Your goal should be to raise your profile with the blog’s audience. (BTW—we don’t accept guest posts.)

  7. Ask influential thought leaders to contribute to your blog. Reach out to people that you»d like to spotlight on your blog.

  8. Write articles for online media entities related to your topic. Write articles for other online media sites.

  9. Contribute to print publications. While this doesn»t directly drive people to your blog, it gets you noticed in a less cluttered environment. Lee Odden»s blog called print the new black.

  10. Make it easy to comment on your blog. Comments are social proof. Don»t make visitors work to leave a comment. You can set rules and get rid of spam.

  11. Respond to every comment on your blog. This can take time but it makes people who comment feel that you care.

  12. Become part of a group blog. Join a tribe where you support each other with social sharing and commenting. Check out 12Most, a blog with a very friendly, welcoming community.

  13. Leave comments on other blogs. Get the attention of your favorite blogger by leaving meaty content in your comments. Register for responses to the post to ensure you can respond.


Translate from Russian into English:

избавиться от чего-либо —

устанавливать правила —

проинформировать кого-либо о чем-либо —  

влиятельный лидер мнений –

загроможденная среда —



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