13 Окт 2014, 08:29

Урок №139. Leadership parables. Part 3. The Lesson of the Babbling Brook

Третья притча посвящена тому, как поведение лидера влияет на общий результат.

Урок №139. Leadership parables. Part 3. The Lesson of the Babbling Brook

Продолжаем цикл с притчами о лидерстве. Третья притча посвящена тому, как поведение лидера влияет на общий результат.


The time was the fourth century B.C., the period of the Warring States in China. The grand general of the Chin State was seated in his chamber in the king»s palace with Meung, the soon-to-be-appointed general of the Third Division, at his side. A messenger, Lieutenant Yu, had just arrived with a report on the logistics of the upcoming battle between General Li»s First Division and the Second Division of the Wei State, led by General Su.

«Grand General,» said Lieutenant Yu, «I bring good news. The First Division enjoys a significant advantage—our troops outnumber the Second Division»s four to one, weaponry is in abundant supply, and the regiment remains well fed. General Li bids me assure you that victory will be ours, the Chin flag will fly forever.»

As the grand general glanced at the report, a look of anguish came over his face. He clenched his fists and ordered Lieutenant Yu to dispatch reinforcements and return to the battlefield at once.

After the lieutenant had fled, the grand general walked over to the balcony and looked out to the horizon. «Alas,» he said to Meung, «yet another division of our state will fall.»

Meung was perplexed. «Grand General,» he said, «forgive my impudence, but I fail to understand your conviction. General Li»s division has many times the manpower and weaponry of General Su»s division, and yet you are convinced victory will not be ours. How can this be?»

The grand general looked somberly at Meung but did not answer. Instead, he brought Meung to a large lake behind the palace. When the grand general and Meung were seated on a rock, the general threw a small piece of paper into the water. It did not move but simply floated on one spot. After observing the still piece of paper for some time, Meung became restless and inquired again: «Grand General, what does this mean? I have meditated on the paper for more than one hour, and your lesson has not enlightened me nor provided the answer to my question.»

Once again, the general did not respond but had Meung follow him. They walked until they came to a very narrow, babbling brook.

Again the grand general threw a small piece of paper onto the water. This time it did not stand still but sailed swiftly along and vanished. The grand general turned to Meung, «Now do you understand why General Su»s regiment will carry the day and not ours?»

Meung, still perplexed, asked the grand general to explain further. «Meung,» said the general, «the first regiment is like the lake, large with much weaponry. But note General Li»s position. He so arrogantly assumes victory that he does not fight. He has stationed himself behind the back line. It is not so with General Su. He is in the front line, side by side with his troops, and he has placed the rear of his regiment next to the river. His commitment to die in order to win will beget the troops» commitment in turn. Just as the babbling brook, which rushes in one direction, carries the paper easily while the large lake cannot, so it is that a regiment small in size but unified in commitment will win. Remember, weaponry and manpower are important, but it is the general»s commitment that determines victory.»

Four days later, Lieutenant Yu and his reinforcements arrived at the site of the battle. The Wei not the Chin flag graced the sky. The First Division had been defeated.


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