15 Апр 2013, 07:16

Урок №74. Coffee Break — Useful Phrases

Перерыв на кофе во время конференции или совещания — и вот у вас есть возможность завязать полезные знакомства

Урок №74. Coffee Break — Useful Phrases

Перерыв  на кофе во время конференции или совещания – и вот у вас есть возможность завязать полезные знакомства или пообщаться с коллегами-иностранцами –подготовимся?


Serving coffee

Let»s take a 15-minute break at this point.

There is a coffee-machine, or you can have tea if you prefer.

Let me pour that for you.

Black or white?

The sugar and sweeteners (заменитель сахара).


Small talk

We really needed a break, didn»t we?

I was interested in what you said about…

What were you saying about…?

I»d like to hear more about…

It»s been a really useful meeting so far, hasn»t it?

I think we need to keep more to the agenda after coffee.


Getting back to business

Shall we get going again?

Is everyone ready to start again?

It»s a quarter to. Time to start.

So, where have we got to?

We just finished item 3 before coffee. So, item 4: „Terms of payment».



M: I needed a short break at this point.

S: It was. Would you prefer tea or coffee?

M: Coffee, please.


S: I was interested in what you were saying about selling in Ukraine.

M: It»s certainly a different world to Western Europe.

S: I»d like to hear more. We»ve got a key account in Kiev.

M: Why don»t we talk after the meeting?

S: Great. Let»s do that.


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