14 Янв 2013, 07:23

Урок № 61. Grammar Tips for your business English. Part IV Talking about products

Продолжаем изучать особенности грамматики в business English. В части IV изучаем грамматические аспекты для описания свойств и количества товаров

Урок № 61. Grammar Tips for your business English. Part IV Talking about products

Продолжаем изучать особенности грамматики в business English. В части IV изучаем грамматические аспекты для описания свойств и количества товаров

1. Names of materials are typically uncountable nouns:

It is important to select the right kind of paper for your direct-marketing materials.

2. Do not use «a/an» with uncountable nouns. If you need to say anything about amounts, select such quantifiers as some, a little, all of, a little of:

Want some chocolate? (not «a chocolate»).

3. If there is need to count individual items, use phrases like a piece of, two bars of, etc.

Give me, please two cups of coffee. (Вы, конечно же, можете сказать «two coffees», такой вариант вполне употребим, но не совсем грамматически корректен).

4. To ask about quantities, use how much…? with uncountable and how many…? with countable nouns:

How much steel can your plant produce per a month?

How many issues of a corporate magazine do you publish within a year?

5. To describe products we often use comparatives and superlatives:

The new version of this software is more sophisticated and cheaper than the previous one.

Here we have the most efficient and the fastest machine on the market.


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