21 Май 2012, 06:46

Урок №28. Ten commandments of mobile marketing

Not that I am comparing myself to Moses, but I am taking on the responsibility of writing out the 10 Commandments of Mobile Marketing.

Урок №28. Ten commandments of mobile marketing


written by Kim Dushinski, author of a book called The Mobile Marketing Handbook a Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Mobile Marketing Campaigns, www.mobilemarketingprofits.com


Not that I am comparing myself to Moses, but I am taking on the responsibility of writing out the 10 Commandments of Mobile Marketing.


And while they are not being presented to you on a stone tablet, it would be wise to consider these as set in stone if you want to succeed in mobile marketing.


1. Thou shall not send mobile spam.

Sending unwanted text messages is mobile spam. Plain and simple, it is wrong and it is stupid. Your customers do not want mobile spam from you. Strangers do not want mobile spam from you. Doing it can place your company at risk of legal action. No sending mobile spam, really.


2. Thou shall only cause mobile action with QR Codes.

The only type of device on the planet that can scan mobile action codes (like QR Codes, Microsoft Tags, Snap Tags, etc.) are mobile ones. Therefore, the action that is caused by scanning the code absolutely must be MOBILE-FRIENDLY. Do not send a mobile code scanning visitor to a desktop size site.


The person scanning that code is on a mobile device with 100% certainty. Why would it even remotely make sense to send them to a desktop site that is unreadable and unactionable? It is a waste of their time and your money.


Worse, if marketers keep sending mobile visitors to desktop sites then it will kill QR codes as an effective marketing tool. People will stop scanning them, knowing they are usually a huge time waste.


3. Mobilize thy site.

Whether you know it or not, you are getting mobile visitors to your website. Trust me, no matter how powerful and awesome their phone is, they want to have a mobile-friendly version when they get there. Make sure your site works for your mobile visitors. And give them a way to access your full site in case they need it.


4. Thou shall only create a mobile app if there is a valid reason to do so.

Mobile websites and mobile apps serve a distinctly different function. Mobile websites are typically used when someone wants quick and easy information while in a mobile context. Mobile apps are downloaded onto phones and tablets when the end user plans on using the functionality of the app repeatedly. Therein lies the power of the mobile app. Repeat use.


The only reason you need to create a mobile app for your business is when you can provide a reason for your customers to want to use it again and again and again.


5. Honor your mobile campaigns by marketing them fully and accurately.

Mobile marketing does not work in a vacuum. You must integrate it with your other marketing efforts in order for it to succeed. Robust marketing of your mobile marketing campaigns is required. As an example, if no one knows about your SMS text messaging campaign then they will not opt-in for it. If no one opts in, then you will get poor results when you send out your messages.


6. Mobilize the email.

The number of people who check their email from their mobile phones is off the charts. Make sure that any email you send is readable on their tiny screen because you never know which email will be opened there instead of on a full size monitor.


7. Thou shall not ignore mobile, for thy neighbor won’t.

Just because you don’t send text messages or don’t use your phone to go online doesn’t mean that your customers don’t. The reality is that they do. And ignoring what your customers are doing is really just not smart.


Your competitors may not be ignoring mobile. If your business isn’t accessible via mobile to your customers, your competitors might be.


8. Thou shall provide RELEVANT VALUE.

If you are expecting your customers to engage with you on the most personal media platform in their life, then you must make it worthwhile to them. Mobile marketing campaigns must keep the customers’ needs as the primary focus. Without something in it for them, customers will simply ignore your mobile engagement offer, as they should.


9. Obey the context customers are interacting with you.

Mobile phones are tiny powerful computers, yet you must not forget that their owners are in a mobile context while using them. They may be in a hurry trying to find a specific piece of information very quickly. Make it easy for them to do so. When using radio or TV to promote your mobile campaign give them enough time to interact with you properly.


10. Only use mobile when it is the right tool for the job.

You may be tempted to use mobile in cases where it is not really the best tool. To avoid this, always ask yourself what mobile is adding to the equation. It should be clear that mobile makes it easier to accomplish the end result or provides quicker access to something.




legal action — судебный иск

remotely [rɪ’məutlɪ] — отдаленно

awesome [‘trækəbl] Am — потрясающий, фантастический

to optinдавать свое согласие на получение информации

equation [ɪ’kweɪʒən]уравнение, совокупность факторов



Thou [ðaʊ]) — употреблялось ранее в качестве  местоимения второго лица единственного числа. Было вытеснено местоимением второго лица множественного числа you, в силу повсеместного обращения на  «вы». Thy  ‑ форма родительного падежа местоимения thou. И первое и второе являются устаревшими словами. В тексте же используются для придания стилистической окраски — ведь пост написан в формате библейских 10 заповедей.


Если есть возможность — время, деньги и желание — отправьтесь на учебу в англоязычную страну. Окунувшись в языковую среду, вы сделаете для себя массу открытий относительно изучаемого языка. Интенсивность освоения знаний вырастет в разы, и вы будете пользоваться языком гораздо увереннее. Ключевое слово — пользоваться, если после поездки вы этого делать не будете, полученные знания быстро улетучатся.



Переведите с русского на английский. Все выражения взяты из текста. Наведя курсор на слово, вы увидите перевод.





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