Майстер Клас Эндрю Шерратта у Києві
30 Мар 2007, 07:22

Майстер Клас Эндрю Шерратта у Києві

Майстер Клас Эндрю Шерратта у Києві

3 квітня у Міжнародному інституті бізнесу відбудеться Майстер Клас Єндрю Шерратта (викладача програми СІМ) "Getting Value from Marketing — How Marketing Expenditure Increases Shareholder Value". Англомовний майстер клас розкриє взаємозв’язок Стратегічного Маркетингу зі створенням цінності бізнесу. 

Andrew Sherratt Master Class
April 3 rd, 2007
Master Class Outline:
"Getting Value from Marketing — How Marketing Expenditure Increases Shareholder Value". The master class will link the activities of Strategic Marketing with the creation of shareholder value with particular reference to brands and communication.

Key Presentation Areas
Justifying investment in marketing assets
– Intangibles and shareholder value
Marketing accountability
– Using robust metrics for measuring marketing
Developing sustainable competitive advantage
– Marketing strategies that can create economic value
– Growth through a marketing ‘ladder of growth’
The creation of shareholder value and customer value through branding
– Building brand equity
– The basis of the offer to the customer: positioning, brands and the value proposition
– Brand decisions and their significance for competitive advantage
The nature and role of communications
– The importance of and approaches to integrating communications

13.30 — 14.00 — Participant Registration
14.00 — 14.15 — Welcome Address, Dr. Mertens, IIB President
14.15 — 15.50 — Master Class — Presentation
15.50 — 16.00 — Coffee Break
16.00 — 17.30 — Master Class Discussion
17.30 — 18.00 — CIM PPD Presentation

Target Audience:
Master Class is aimed at marketers, working in national or multinational companies, dealing with
decision-making on strategic level.

About trainer:
Self employed training and company development consultant offering communication training to improve business relationships to business throughout the UK.
Teaching Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Certificate, Professional Diploma and

Professional Postgraduate Diploma.

For registration and more information please contact:

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